Monday 18 November 2013

Short Film: Response

The Forgotten Hit:

This was the first of the short films that I had watched, it was very interesting with plot twists, flashbacks and a compelling narrative. The scenes are very monotone, using mainly black and white which represent the lack of emotion, and maybe memory of the character.


With the second short film that we saw, I did not find the story compelling at all. However, the film was very good in the aspect of mes en scene, great costume and sticking true to the character with the old car.  The editing was also good, with the revolving scene section, that was done very well. I really enjoyed the sound, or lack of, with the only sound being the voice over which i though suited the film very well.

Farewell Charlie Power:

The longest of the three films and the most detail in them as well. There was both a compelling narrative, great use of mes en scene, truly representing the area the film is located in. Other aspects were also done well, with great seamless editing, accompanied by a sound track

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