Monday 13 October 2014

A Bout De Souffle Film response

One of the first new wave films, A Bout De Souffle, uses unconventional filming methods which contrast heavily to the American cinema during that period. Some of these methods include:
  • Lack of narrative - The lack of any meaningful narrative was one of the key differences between this french new wave film, and that of other films during that period. A basic conceptual idea follows a male protagonist by the name of Michel - an anti hero. Having a gangster persona, he challenges the heroic ideal of many American protagonists during the period. There is a lack of cause and effect within the narrative also leads to a somewhat unsatisfactory ending where it seems as if nothing was resolved or achieved.
  • Editing -  the editing of the movie reflects the art house style that the french new wave films brought. The pacing of the scenes would reflect the mood or atmosphere of the characters, this is most noticeable within the taxi scene where fast paced editing is used to show the impatience of Michel.
  • Protagonist - Percieved as an anti hero - Michel does not fit most, if not any, of the characteristics of common American protagonist. He does not seem to have any motive to allow the narrative to unfold, and holds traits which contrast the heroic traditional protagonist of that time.
  • Art style - The style in which the film was created was made for the purpose of being a more artistic style. this in itslef made the films production very different to that of other films of that time, which lead to the style of the french new wave being created.

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