Double Indemnity focuses on a insurance salesman and revolves around his experience in the business. When he enters the dietrichson household for a review on car insurance, his perspective on life changes. Being a straight up man, with his morals in check, he is twisted in the web that the spider woman, Phyllis, and all his morals are turned around in her flirtations.
He is seduced into using his skills in the business to kill of her unloving husband and rid her of a unhappy marriage. He plans to kill him in a unusual circumstance so the insurance company will pay out more hence the title 'Double Indemnity'.
The narration follows Walter as the main protagionist and the story unfolds from his confessions. he recounts his story of his and Phyllis meeting and the plotting of her husbands death. As the story unfolds, we begin to see that Phyllis is not as vulnerable as she had made out and that there is a lot of mystery about her character.
This leads Walter to questioning his decisions and he becomes remorseful and tries to make things right buy killing Phyllis.
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